The District of Medinipur in West Bengal is a nesting place of genius. Here were born Khsudiram Basu & Matangini Hazra who inspired hundred and thousands of people to care a fig for life and smilingly sacrifices their lives for the sake of our Country’s Freedom. On the other hand here was born Pandit Iswar Chandra Vidyasagar who became a pioneer in the field of Education in a realm of ignorance and illiteracy, always being an inspiration and ideal for all of us for his innovating schemes in the area of Child Education as well as Adult Education.
Despite all the facts stated above, the District of Medinipur, particularly Paschim Medinipur, has remained an Educationally Backward Area (Jangal Mahal) because of its geographical location. It is a border area adjacent to Jharkhand where also the light of knowledge and culture is no enkindled in an adequate manner. That is why it is also designated as Educationally Backward District as the Gross Enrolment Ratio in this district is much lower than the National Average. The scenario hardly argues well for an all-round and balanced development of this Educationally Backward District.
In this perspective, Gourav Guin Memorial College was established on 28th August, 2008 and she started her auspicious journey on the 1st day of September, 2008 after having received due permission from Higher Education Department of the Government of West Bengal (Dated 18th July, 2008) and also subsequently affiliated to Vidyasagar University (Dated 30th July, 2008) for the session 2008-2009 in order to meet the demands of the local people organized by an N.G.O. entitled ‘Chandrakona Road Social and Human Development Society’. Gourav Guin whose name of our College commemorates was a teen-aged boy who was unfortunately died a sad, premature death in the prime of his youth. May his departed soul rest in place and inspired hundreds and thousands of young boys and girls to become true human beings in the proper sense of the term.